Freedom from Worry

It’s already been one of those weeks.  I wasn’t able to post my article on Monday because of the storms that interfered with the service here.  Rick and I are in Ft. Lauderdale at an RV park.  I went to add a few things to the article, today, before seeking a Starbucks for internet usage, and my article was not saved on my computer. (?!?!)  So, I had to start fresh with a new article. 

Now I know I may not be impressively savvy on the computer, but I’m certainly keen on saving anything of importance.  I can’t imagine what happened.  I suppose those little computer demons are only trying to add some more chaos to my life.  I really don’t want any more.

I won’t even mention how stressful it has been to be away from Spring Hill while Tropical Storm Debby wreaks havoc all around it.  My handicapped brother recently moved in with us, and I’ve worried about him while we’re gone because he stayed behind at our house.  He is in excellent hands though.  Still, they’re not my hands. 

How often will God have to slap my hands until I completely let go of worry?  Worry seems to come naturally to me.  I realize that women have a greater propensity to worry than men, but that doesn’t sooth my frustrations in seeking freedom from the clutches of fretful thoughts.

The Bible tells us not to worry.  Matthew 6:25, 27 – “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.... Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”  Matthew 6:34 – “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.” 

Worry goes hand-in-hand with fear.  Often times, fear may be justified by circumstances, but worry rarely is.  It rallies in our mind, creating scenarios that most likely will never come to fruition.  Worry can destroy relationships, and physical and emotional health.

It’s no wonder we struggle with fear and worry when we are surrounded by reports of devastation and evil on the television, radio, newspaper, internet and even Facebook.  It is difficult to separate ourselves from the ways of the world and takes a diligent effort to not allow the bleakness to affect us.  It takes the help of God.

The only way to fight the temptations of fear and worry is by staying close to God.

Godvine had a great quote on Facebook today – “Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death”.  The moment I read that I was completely convicted of my limited time with God the past few weeks.  Okay, I’ve been busy.  I now have a houseful of people living with me.  My husband is home every day.  There is always noise in the house.  (The joys of summer.)

These are no excuses for taking the precious time from God I so desperately need.  When I forego that extra time with God to take care of some other “priority”, I risk the chance of my life falling apart.  I jeopardize my marriage relationship and my own peace.  It’s not worth it.  My time with God is so crucial to my sanity and my existence.

I can’t “Cast all my cares on Him” (I Peter 5:7), when I’m completely engrossed in living.  How quickly I forget.  You would think after all these years I would be an expert at it.  Yes, I will usually recognize the need shortly after a mini-meltdown, but I’d prefer to be able to do it BEFORE my emotions run away with me.  When I’m filled to full with my God time, I rarely face those moments of distress and worry from too much involvement in the world.

I’m always encouraged by Paul’s words in Romans 7:14-20, where he talks about “I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do.” (Please take the time to read these verses on your own.)

Even Paul struggled with his contrary nature.  No, he wasn’t perfect either.  That’s why we need God in our lives and in our marriages.  We can’t do it alone.  Spend the time you need with God so life doesn't feel so difficult and worry won't consume you.


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