Out of the Heart
“For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” - Luke 6:45 How did your heart do on the heart test from my last posting? We are often unaware of the negative thoughts, resentments, unforgiveness, etc. that we hold in our hearts. Most of it comes from our experiences as children, and so we don’t realize how unhealthy the “evil stored up in our heart” can be. That’s all we’ve ever known. Have you ever been around a negative person that seems to have nothing positive to say about anything? It’s exhausting. Imagine how it must be to live in a negative world like that. The things stored up in our hearts greatly affect our relationship with God and our relationship with our spouse. For example, when Rick and I were first married, I didn’t realize I had a right to my own opinions about choices we made in our marriage. I thought it was up to Rick. That’s how I was raised. My father made all the decisions, and I grew ...