Kiss the Sweets Goodbye!
While shopping at the grocery store this past weekend, Rick grabbed numerous bags of candy for Trick or Treaters on Halloween. I looked at the candy in the cart and said, “Hmmm. It seems you only bought candy that you can eat.” He looked at me and replied, “Of course!” “Maybe I want some,” I quietly whined. His look displayed shear panic as he responded, “But you hate me after you’ve eaten too much sugar!” “Ha ha ha ha ha!” I cackled (much like the Wicked Witch of the West), but then I immediately winced at his abrupt candor regarding my sugar issues. Almost two years ago, I changed my eating habits and have had phenomenal improvements in my health. While fasting from sugar for a forty day period, I discovered that I had no depression during that time. I have struggled with bouts of depression all of my adult life. I always chalked it up to PMS or life’s circumstances. In spite of PMS and the same circumstances, that deep pit of d...