Judgment and Offense

There is nothing like spending a few days with a group of women who share the same passion of Christ to invigorate you.  Not to mention the special bond that forms when you wake up in the morning and share coffee in your pajamas.  I had the privilege to spend a few days in Kansas City this past week with some mighty women of God.  Surprisingly, I didn’t freeze as I feared I might.  (Really, who would ask a Florida girl to go to a meeting in Missouri in the middle of such a nasty winter?) Thanks be to God, it was cold but sunny, not nearly as bad as the previous week.

I believe women have a deep need to spiritually connect with other women.  While our husbands can certainly be our “soul mates” and our “best friends”, there is a fellowship between women that reaches areas that are foreign to men. (And men are grateful we have our female friends for that.)  It’s an important part of our make-up that we need to nourish.

This ministry that I’m a part of, Stonecroft Ministries, is all about reaching out to women to help them connect and to tell them about Jesus. 

Among many of our discussions last week, we talked about how we tend to get caught up in causes which can make us appear to be very judgmental.  We get passionate about abortion, and gay marriage, and politics, and so forth and so forth.  We can quickly lose sight of the truth of the matter.  We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, so who are we to judge everyone else?  Our life on Earth is all about leading others to heaven.  That’s why we are here.  We get so sidetracked by offense.

That’s not to say we accept every issue the world tries to dub as right.  We just need to remember to always love the sinner, not the sin.  We too easily compartmentalize others by their beliefs and close the door to love.

It’s the same in our marriages.  We are very quick to judge everything our spouse does and says.  We get sidetracked by offense.  Judgment and offense will always build a wall between people that interferes with God’s plan and our ability to show His love.

Romans 14:10-13, “You, then, why do you judge your brother?  Or why do you look down on your judgment seat.  It is written:  “‘As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’”  So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.  Therefore, let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.”

The moment we air judgment over someone, a stumbling block appears and offense is born.  We quench the love of God.

We are put on this planet to lead others to Jesus not to point out all their faults and sins.  If we focus on lovingly telling them about Jesus, then He will gently convict them of their sins.  And as with our spouses, when we refrain from judging and allowing offense to get in the way, we will open the door to loving communication and an avenue to discuss issues rationally.

All we have to do is share the love of Jesus in our words and actions, and He will do the rest.  If you doubt me, just try it.


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