RPM Ministry

Resurrection Power 
Marriage Ministry,
Resurrection Power of the Mind

Rick and Sandee Lester

Rick and Sandee Lester started Resurrection Power Marriage Ministry in 1994. Through the years they counseled couples, taught marriage classes, and led marriage seminars until Rick's passing in July of 2019.  Sandee has written numerous books on marriage for their ministry.

Sandee Lester reccently changed Resurrection Power Marriage Ministry to Resurrection Power of the Mind.  She writes about many issues such as grief, loss, struggles in the world, women's issues, finding God again, to mention a few.  The power of our mind is what will determine whether we will recover in a healthy manner or whether we will carry those issues around and allow them to negatively affect our lives.

For more information about this ministry and weekly blogs, go to:

Contact Sandee at:

"Our missi is to provide couples with the tools for a God-centered, Biblically based marriage and to foster the desire to stay

 committed to their marriage."  -  
"Our mission is to provide couples with the tools for a God-centered, Biblically based marriage and to foster the desire to stay committed to their marriage."  -  Rick 


Unknown said…
It is a blessing what the both of you are doing to help restore marriages and relationships in our society. I read your book and it was truly amazing! It is nice to know my two favorite Superheroes end up happily ever after.

May God continue to bless you on your journey.

Karen Leon

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